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Tapgency is a creative digital agency that aims to build and improve relationships between the client and the consumer. Without a website, the client interaction was impossible, so Tapgency contacted Knoativ for a fully-functional website. 

For the new website to properly portray the business and its services, the client requested a trendy and coherent website. Team Knoativ designed several mockups, and one was finalized by the client. 


As of 2021, Tapgency and Knoativ have formed a strategic partnership to develop and implement new digital marketing ideas. Two inbound marketing campaigns for major service lines, multiple quick-win initiatives, and all paid ad promotions have been deployed.

Knoativ implemented an intelligent strategy for website administration, including design improvements, as well as tracking and measuring methods.


The outcome was a sophisticated website that reflected the company’s goals and aspirations. The website traffic increased from 100 visits to 8,000 a day. Additionally, Knoativ maintains the website – keeping the uptime to 99.98%.
