By using the Knoativ website, the user agrees to abide by the terms and conditions set forth above. It is forbidden to use Knoativ in any manner whatsoever if any user does not accept and abide by the mentioned terms and conditions.
To use Knoativ, you must agree to these terms and conditions as the minimum need for mutual understanding and consent. If you use Knoativ in any way, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions of Knoativ.
Zero tolerance applies to all specified terms and conditions, and both parties, Knoativ and the User, are expected to adhere to and completely comply with them. It is understood by both Knoativ and the user that the terms and conditions for using the Knoativ website have been entirely accepted.
Knoativ trademarks include the Knoativ logo, the Knoativ name, and the Knoativ graphics. There is no connection between Knoativ and any other companies, brands, trademarks, or logos mentioned on the website.
Except for anything explicitly disclosed or published publicly in writing and upon the settlement of all charges, all copyrights are kept by Knoativ on all design work, including the full content, text, photographs, ideas, graphics, and drawings.
Project Proposal
By using Knoativ’s “Talk to Us” page, customers may quickly and easily fill out a service proposal’s project requirements form, tailored and customized only for them. If you want to get in touch with us, Knoativ has set up various ways for you to do so, both online and offline.
Backup And Data Loss
Knoativ clarifies through this disclaimer of liability that any use of the website is at the user’s own risk. Knoativ will not be held responsible for any data loss that may occur. As a result of this disclaimer, everyone who uses Knoativ is agreeing to be fully responsible for their actions on the website and any repercussions that may result.
As a visitor to this site, To the fullest extent permitted by law you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Knoativ and its directors, officers, managers, employees, and representatives from and against any third-party claim, action, or demand relating to your name or the use thereof, including reasonable attorneys’ fees.
In addition to the Dispute Policy’s indemnity requirements, this indemnification is being provided as a courtesy. Knoativ does not claim ownership of any material you supply or share, and they do not intend to do so in the future.
Any content you post on the web via your domain is considered your work. Knoativ will not be held liable for anything you post there, even if the content is related to a project proposal or work activity.
There are no rights that Knoativ claims to any of your intellectual property, including but not limited to your trademarks and brand names, as well as the text and images that make up your website’s design.
Knoativ shall not be liable for any losses, including incidental and consequential damages, resulting from Knoativ’s servers becoming unavailable for any reason whatsoever. It’s also important to note that Knoativ will not be liable for any damages arising from any website being corrupted or deleted from one of Knoativ’s servers. Your exclusive and exclusive remedy shall be the immediate cancellation of your service.
Knoativ’s team of experts will constantly strive to keep the whole website running efficiently and free of bugs and malfunctions, ensuring that your online experience on Knoativ is the best possible.
To determine whether or not these acceptable usage terms and conditions have been violated, Knoativ is the only judge. This statement is subject to change at any moment by Knoativ. Knoativ also maintains the right, at our sole discretion, to reject, terminate, or suspend service.
All terms and conditions on the website that are declared invalid will not impact the validity of the rest of this Agreement on terms and conditions. If a provision is invalid, Knoativ has the authority and freedom to alter or replace it with a provision that is both legally legitimate and as close to achieving Knoativ’s original goals and intentions as feasible.
The terms and conditions of use of Knoativ’s website may be changed without previous notification or warning. This statement of use of website terms and conditions should be reviewed and read regularly to ensure that you are aware of any changes.
This agreement replaces any past offers, agreements, or other communications made to Knoativ’s website users.
Copyrights And Trademarks
If a customer provides Knoativ with a logo, name, graphic design theme or trademarks, content, text, photographs, and other data, the client thus fully confirms that such material has the proper copyright and trademark licenses. The consumer retains ownership of these items.
Knoativ and its suppliers retain ownership of any artwork, photos, and other material created for or on behalf of the client. Knoativ may, in its sole discretion, grant the customer’s request for such rights in writing the required authority to use such items (for which Knoativ has the copyright). To use any previous creative work, photos, material, or other data, you must first receive written permission from the copyright holder.
Users undertake to keep Knoativ harmless from any claims arising from the customer’s failure to secure the needed copyright and other licenses or grants and indemnify and hold Knoativ free from any damage.
No refunds will be given if your Services are stopped, terminated, or transferred before their scheduled termination date unless explicitly stated otherwise.
All invoiced amounts must be paid within five calendar days after receipt. By pre-authorized payment to a Customer credit card or by cheque of instantly accessible money transferred to Design Quotations, LLC, the customer will be charged.
When a customer signs a contract with Knoativ or places an order with Knoativ, they agree to pay Knoativ the recurring monthly fees (if applicable). Customer notification of termination of service must be provided at least 30 days in advance of the end of the term of the service, and Knoativ may collect any costs due under this Agreement.
Important Notice
Any earlier oral or written agreements and understandings, as well as any concurrent oral agreements and understandings between the Users and Knoativ about the subject matter of this statement of use of website terms and conditions, are superseded by this statement.
You may contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions about the given terms and conditions or need any more information.