4 Advantages of Hiring Digital Marketing Agency for Law Firms
We recognize that you probably know as much about Google and SEO as we do about defending a seriously injured person in court.
It’s always best to entrust a problem to the experts, isn’t it?
If you’re looking for an all-in-one digital strategy, you’ll find that they have a team of professionals in web design, search engine optimization, Google AdWords, social media, and web strategy who can help you achieve your firm’s digital objectives.
The Impact of Digital Marketing on Law Firms
The American Bar Association (ABA) reports that many U.S. law firms are only “moderately confident” in the performance of their marketing. Despite this, 72% of those surveyed by the ABA said they plan to maintain or even grow their marketing budgets in the next year.
Lawyers and legal firms, especially small companies with less than 30 associates, have been slow to embrace efficient digital marketing tactics, as shown by the same research stated above However, this does not obligate you or your company to follow suit.
If you’re searching for a lawyer, you’re more likely to get a recommendation if you ask for one, according to Clio’s Legal Trends Report for 2021. Only 16% of those polled said they did both.
46% of respondents who got a recommendation still went online to explore the suggested lawyer’s or firm’s website and check online review sites before initiating contact, according to Martindale-Avvo.
For law firms to succeed, you need to boost your online presence, and by doing so they’ll get the following benefits:
1 . Using Buyer Personas to Develop a Strategy
Buyer personas are described by HubSpot as “a semi-fictional portrayal of your ideal consumer based on accurate market research and information about your current customers.”
This isn’t a hypothetical customer or someone you think would be a good match for your company for the sake of this debate. As a result of your prior successful cases, you’ve created the false impression that you were the best legal company for that client.
If a marketing agency claims to be working on a campaign for automobile accident lawyers, don’t trust them. According to your company’s best (and worse) accident scenarios in the past, not all leads for vehicle accident cases will be ideal, if we’re being honest.
Buyer personas may help you distinguish between cases that your company is interested in and those that aren’t likely to go to trial. Customers’ personas should be developed by the key stakeholders in your firm, so there’s a consensus on who your marketing efforts should target.
When establishing your initial buyer persona, the following questions should be asked:
- How have you been referred to in the past by successful clients?
- Does this group tend to fall into one of a few sub-categories?
- The first person to contact you, was it the customer or a close friend?
- In order to locate you, what queries were they asking themselves (and Google)?
The reason why they decided to go through with a lawsuit was because of your business.
By asking deeper questions about who your ideal customers are and what makes them tick, inbound marketing companies may discover and target ideal cases by providing the correct content that addresses their specific difficulties and answers across all online channels in the future.’
2 . Making Your Law Firm Visible Online
Creating buyer personas makes it easy for your marketing team to locate them online, which is one of the benefits of doing so. Optimizing your website for search engines such as Google is a must, but your marketing department may go one step further by providing content that benefits your prospective customers.
It’s our job as a marketing firm to find out what queries your ideal client prospects are asking on Google and how we can answer them. As a consequence, your law practice will be one of the top results on search engine results pages whenever someone searches for the same queries (SERPs).
3 . Conversion Rate Optimization
In order to identify whether your website is generating leads or guiding prospective customers through the buyer’s journey, your marketing team may examine every page. If it doesn’t meet our expectations, we’ll examine it and make changes based on our findings.
You can’t expect to finish this in one sitting. Landing pages, forms, pop-ups, and the like should all be evaluated on a regular basis to determine their effectiveness (or lack thereof). You may boost your business with the correct marketing strategy. Your legal firm’s website will continue to be a lead production machine thanks to this form of conversion rate improvement.
4 . Building trust and customer engagement via email, and social media
The majority of today’s clients perform much of their research online and have already chosen whether or not they want to hire you as their lawyer before they meet with you. No one will choose your legal practice over another if you don’t make yourself available to them through your website, emails, and social media marketing channels. Your legal firm’s success depends on your ability to establish relationships of trust and sincerity with prospective clients.
Working with a digital marketing agency may have the following advantages for your legal practice:
- To build your customer base, your website would become a powerful lead-generating generator.
- Brand recognition and visits to the website have increased.
- A greater ability to be found on the internet
- Your law firm’s reputation as a leader in the industry will be enhanced.
- Monitored and encouraged client reviews to help build and clean up the digital reputation
It’s important to know what to look for when hiring a digital marketing firm for your law firm.
You’re serious about expanding your legal practice’s clientele. Having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish and how you intend to get there will allow us to plan more effectively.
All of these services may assist you in achieving your digital objectives. The trick is to discover the optimum mix for your company.
Why Use Knoativ as Your Digital Marketing Agency?
If you want your website to be a resource center for your customers, Knoativ can help you achieve that goal again and time again. As a result of the material we’ve been able to provide for our clients, their website traffic has increased significantly since we began working together.