How Does Web 3.0 Affect Digital Marketing In The Future?
We now use the internet differently with each new edition of the World Wide Web, which has been continually evolving since its creation. Web 3.0 is the most recent iteration of the internet’s development.
63% of digital marketing executives, according to Gartner, struggle to provide tailored experiences. Web3 or frequently known as Web 3.0, may help marketers better understand the needs and preferences of their customers. Web 3.0 makes it possible for digital marketers to target their customers better and deliver more tailored services because of the availability of relevant consumer data.
But what is Web 3.0, exactly? Continue reading to learn more about this cutting-edge technology and how it may affect digital marketers in the future. Let’s begin with the evolution of the web.
What exactly is Web 3.0?
Tokens, assets, and cryptocurrencies are all included in Web3, as are decentralized applications (DApps), as well as decentralized finance (or Defi). Data publication and consumption protocol Web3 is meant to be peer-to-peer distributed. Tools and software for designing user interfaces, applications, and services are included in the package. This method of identifying and cultivating new online businesses is far less time-consuming.
Some features of Web3
Semantic Web
A new era in the growth of the Internet is about, to begin with, the Semantic Web. The semantic web can understand the meaning of words rather than keywords or numbers that enhances on-demand internet technologies for creating, distributing, and connecting material.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
When natural language processing and computer vision are combined in Web 3.0, computers can interpret information similarly to humans, resulting in faster and more accurate results. To meet the needs of customers, they grow ever more advanced.
Graphics in 3D
In Web 3.0, three-dimensional design is becoming more and more commonplace in websites and other applications. Museum tours, computer games, e-commerce, geographic settings, and other uses use 3D graphics. 3D graphics are everywhere.
Due to semantic metadata, Web 3.0 information is more easily accessible. A new level of connectivity is achieved as a consequence, which makes use of all available data.
As long as your device is connected to the internet, you can access Ubiquity Content via any number of applications.
The core difference between Web3, Web2, and Web1
Web3 is the next stage of the internet’s evolution.
This was the first “phase” of the internet in a nutshell.
In this period, websites were static, and content was given by the server’s filesystem. In addition, there was no interactivity on these sites. You couldn’t “reply” to posts with comments or likes. Instead, you were passively ingesting information.
Web 2.0 is the internet as we know it today.
Instead of a static data repository, the web has become a place where dynamic material can be shared and interacted. Developers were able to design applications that enable users to interact with the material in real-time because of the development of technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Next-generation of the internet is known as Web 3.0.
Web 3.0 is the Semantic Web. Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be used instead of traditional search engines to decode internet content’s semantics (i.e., meaning). As a result, robots would be able to grasp and evaluate data in the same manner as people. Making it easier for people to find, distribute, and integrate information is at the heart of the Semantic Web’s mission.
The Future of Web 3.0
Isn’t it wonderful how this all sounds? It is possible to maintain complete control over your data while using the future generation internet powered by blockchain technology. Although Web 3.0 isn’t the present internet, it’s still a step forward over Web 2.0 in terms of what we may expect to see in the future.
Advertising and marketing professionals will soon recognize that the Metaverse and Web 3.0 Marketing are inextricably linked; no longer can the internet be confined to what you can see on your PC or mobile device. Virtual reality and augmented reality are only two examples of cutting-edge technologies that have emerged due to technology’s constant change and evolution.
A new gaming model that depends on blockchain technology and allows the appropriate players to earn bitcoin or NFTs by playing the game, known as “Pay-To-Earn,” will gain in popularity over time. Popular P2E games like Axie Infinity, which produced $1.3 billion in sales in 2021 despite being a non-financial time game, already exist today.
Semantic web and artificial intelligence will assist bridge the gap between people and machines, which marketers welcome. Marketers will have to refocus their messages to emphasize the importance of putting the customer first and emphasizing items that allow the customer to take full ownership of their purchase.
Internet access will be available on devices other than PCs and cellphones shortly.
Although it isn’t completely implemented yet, there are already traces of it.
In Web 3.0, people and computers will be able to communicate in ways that we never imagined imaginable, bringing us closer together than ever before. Precisely like with cryptocurrencies, credit cards, or even Web 1.0 & 2.0, there is plenty about this rapidly expanding technology that we do not entirely comprehend.
The Semantic Web (SW) is an open-sourced platform that will allow people to own and manage their data while also providing a higher level of privacy and security than Web 3. Facebook and Twitter will no longer be able to sell your personal information to other parties because of blockchain apps like Play-To-Earn video games.
There will be a revolution and progression in the digital marketing sector, from static Instagram posts to NFTs that showcase your company’s current goods. Adapting to the evolving internet to give new services, hyper-personalized experiences, and possibly digital environments is critical to capturing the future market and your ideal target market.
Our understanding of Web 3.0 and its influence on consumers as well as companies and marketers has grown throughout this article. However, we are still learning and attempting to figure out what this next stage of the internet holds for us. We appreciate you taking the time to read this. If you took away even a single nugget of knowledge regarding Web 3.0’s future or digital marketing service, then our work here at Knoativ has been a success.